Greetings Great Shape! Inc. friends, from Negril, and the beautiful island of Jamaica! Yesterday, my Green Team cohort Noah Griesbach and I planted 10 breadfruit trees at Kendal Primary School and today another 10 at Mt. Airy Primary School. The Trees that Feed Foundation donated 100 plants to Great Shape! Inc. and their SuperKids project, bigs ups to TTFF for their amazing dedication to ending world hunger! Tomorrow we will plant at Pell River Primary, and Thursday at Broughton Primary. We will also be providing an additional 60 trees to the sixth grade students at Broughton to send home. Breadfruit is an amazing tree that can provide food for a family of four for 70 years! The fruit is similar to a yam or potato and filled with vital nutrition. When I asked the students if they like breadfruit the answer was an emphatic yes, and they like to eat it roasted and fried. I tried my first roasted breadfruit yesterday for breakfast, and it was delicious, like a sweet potato.

The Green Team has been working in classrooms sharing important information about our environment, we read The Lorax and The Giving Tree to over a hundred children, led discussions on reduce/reuse/recycle, facilitated a campus clean-up at each school and got down and dirty planting the breadfruit trees. It has been an amazing couple of days, and we are looking forward to the rest of the week.

Kids at Kendal Primary after planting a breadfruit tree.