In case you haven’t heard, Great Shape! Inc. is hosting its annual Monroe Street Pub Crawl on July 28.  This is, undoubtedly, the social event of the year in Spokane!  Everyone who’s anyone will be there.  Are YOU somebody?  Great!  We’ll see you there!
Now, we realize this is summer.  You may have a lot going on this Summer (especially if you truly are SOMEBODY).  You MIGHT be tempted to not show up and send in your apologies with a short explanation of conflicting plans.  As this would be a regretful mistake we want to help you avoid, we offer this quick reference guide to help you remain in the “IN” crowd.  Joe Kelleher, founder of the Pub Crawl offers this advice to anyone struggling with the more common conflicts:
Years of experience have made me aware of all possible lame excuses for not attending, so I have prepared a series of responses to them. They are as follows:

It’s called a babysitter. You don’t even have to pay them minimum wage. Especially if they’re your parents.
The lake isn’t going anywhere.
Well, meet up with us after the reception.
Brad Adams is probably way older than you, and he will be there.
If you can’t walk three miles, I will personally push you in a wheelchair. Weiner.

I think those about cover it.

Here’s the link. Forward it to your friends who might be interested.