Great Shape! Inc. has some exciting news! Since SuperKids began, Great Shape! has aspired to team up with colleges and universities to send students to Jamaica.
Great Shape! is happy to announce that groups from St. Petersburg College and Southern Oregon University will be travelling to rural areas of Jamaica on an inspiring, week-long trip in November!
Southern Oregon University pre-service Special Education Teachers will serve from November 2 to November 10 and St. Petersburg College students will serve from November 10 to November 19.

These passionate students will work with other volunteers to encourage sports, music, and arts for thousands of Jamaican children. They will also lead computer education and programs aimed at improving literacy rates. The current literacy rate in some of these areas is just 40%.

SuperKids volunteers get the chance to work one-on-one with students in classrooms, giving them valuable teaching skills, but more importantly, an experience that they will never forget!
Georgene Crowe, Great Shape! Founder and Board Member said, “It is with overwhelming emotion & joy for G.S. to have [this partnership] with [St Petersburg College and SOU] this year. It has been a dream-come-true!  Very heartfelt One Love thanks and Blessings, we do give thanks and praise.”
Special thanks to the volunteers that work hard to make dreams like this a reality! Students, we look forward to meeting you in Jamaica!

One Love!