
“In November of 2014 with the help of many donations I went on my first humanitarian trip to Jamaica. I joined Great Shape! Inc and their mission to raise children’s literacy in rural areas of Jamaica.

This was by far the most humbling and eye opening experience of my life. I learned so much about their education system and how it differs from ours. The children were always so eager to learn despite the fact that their learning environment wasn’t the best.

I also learned so much about Jamaica. I learned about how life there differed from mine and in some ways were very similar. I spoke to many people native to the island and learned about a whole new culture and even started learning a new language. I left Jamaica with a new perspective on life and the drive to raise enough MONEY MAKE it back to the children there who were so hungry to learn.

The SuperKids Scoop:
Great Shape! Inc.’s SuperKids provides resources, volunteers, and training in rural areas where the literacy rate is just about 40%. We help enhance literacy and computer education, sponsor uniforms, and encourage sports, music, and arts for thousands of Jamaican children. SuperKids works with 1st through 6th grades where reading is a critical building block for a child’s education.

Volunteers are certified teachers, college students, and all kinds of other professions… people who believe in teaching children. Great Shape! partners with the Ministry of Education, Sandals Foundation, and rural school principals to assess the needs of each school. Each school commits to program continuation and will contribute to the project in the form of guidance, labor, leadership and support. If you would like more information about the organization, please go to www.gsjamaica.org

Please note that ALL donations will go towards the children. I will be paying my own way separately and is not included in the donation.”

Get involved any way you can!