Frankie Dietz, General Manager at Anthony’s Restaurant in Spokane, Washington served on Great Shape’s 1000 Smiles project in Negril, Jamaica.

“From the first day out, I was struck by the outpouring of love and adoration from the children,” Dietz said. She continued, “The classrooms were crowded, but there was an eagerness in the eyes of the children to learn. Their teachers were so dedicated and helpful. They loved our message, but each school would have also liked to have a clinic, there is so much need. This was the first time I have had the privilege to serve like this.”

But Frankie’s outpouring of love didn’t end in Jamaica. On Saturday evening, Dietz is holding a fundraising dinner for Great Shape! Inc. in response to a need for funding upcoming projects on the island. Below is a photo of the drink called the Great Shape! Shaker that Dietz concocted for Saturday’s dinner.
Thanks Frankie! Great Shape! is blessed to have volunteers like you!